Unlike Tom Welling and John Glover, who both displayed a little versatility in the body-switching episode, when Kristin is asked to do more than Lana, she just can't handle it. Part of it was the script, I'm sure, but every time she spoke as "Isobel," I cringed. Alison (Chloe) Mack and Erica (Lois) Durance didn't really have enough to do besides look like sexy Goths to make a judgment on their ability to act out of character, but I thought Chloe did pretty well with the few lines she had. Lois just had to look good. Which she did exceedingly well.

Well, at least Lois looked good.
The episode certainly continued this season's trend of amping up the sex and skin factor, which is good or bad depending on your perspective. For the ideal WB demographic, that's a good thing, but for a "young Superman" show, it might be a bit much.
With the three teen witches wreaking havoc among the student body to pop music, this episode reminded me a lot of The Craft, which had a similar storyline. The scene with Clark screwing up the visit with the Princeton scout, however, was straight out of Risky Business. Except for the final moments when Lana learns it was Lex, not Clark that got Jason fired, we had no progression of storylines this week. Even Clark's football playing didn't really factor in (except for the Princeton recruiter, I guess). We still don't really know anything about the connection between Lana's tattoo and the cave symbols, other than the fact that Lana is apparently the descendent of a witch. But what does that mean? And, following last week's Mxy episode, we again see that Clark is vulnerable to magic. But that's it. No Lionel, precious little Lex, and even Clark's parents didn't show up until the very end. Heck, Clark barely used his powers in this episode. I hope no one was tuning in for the first time this week.
I have to say, though, I do like the Jason character. He's not a bad guy, except for his poor judgment in dating a student. I like how he and Clark get along, and he can play the older brother role better than Lex can now.
Speaking of Lex, wow, can he play the piano or what? By the way, did Lana make his scroll disappear? Did it come back? What happened there?
Next week, we get more Lex and Lionel, so things should heat up again.
With the three teen witches wreaking havoc among the student body to pop music, this episode reminded me a lot of The Craft, which had a similar storyline. The scene with Clark screwing up the visit with the Princeton scout, however, was straight out of Risky Business. Except for the final moments when Lana learns it was Lex, not Clark that got Jason fired, we had no progression of storylines this week. Even Clark's football playing didn't really factor in (except for the Princeton recruiter, I guess). We still don't really know anything about the connection between Lana's tattoo and the cave symbols, other than the fact that Lana is apparently the descendent of a witch. But what does that mean? And, following last week's Mxy episode, we again see that Clark is vulnerable to magic. But that's it. No Lionel, precious little Lex, and even Clark's parents didn't show up until the very end. Heck, Clark barely used his powers in this episode. I hope no one was tuning in for the first time this week.
I have to say, though, I do like the Jason character. He's not a bad guy, except for his poor judgment in dating a student. I like how he and Clark get along, and he can play the older brother role better than Lex can now.
Speaking of Lex, wow, can he play the piano or what? By the way, did Lana make his scroll disappear? Did it come back? What happened there?
Next week, we get more Lex and Lionel, so things should heat up again.