Thursday, September 09, 2004

Cover to final issue of Identity Crisis revealed

Here's the cover to Identity Crisis #7, the final issue due out in December:

Issue 4 is out next week. Here's how DC describes the issue:
The most talked-about miniseries of 2004 continues! How could anyone get past the Thanagarian, Martian, Apokoliptian and Kryptonian security systems installed since the murder of a loved one in IDENTITY CRISIS #1? And look out, because new suspects in the serial killings just may start involving the villains' loved ones too!

See all the covers and read the Wizard Magazine article on this page from writer Brad Meltzer's website.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Coming Soon to a Galaxy Near You

On Sept 21, the "original" Star Wars trilogy comes to DVD. These aren't quite the same movies we first saw more than 25 years ago. They're not even exactly the same as the ones we saw in the 1997 re-releases. Lucas has continued to tinker with the movies to bring them more in line with his vision and to bridge the continuity of the current trilogy, as can be seen in this revised final shot from Return of the Jedi below.

Hey, what happened to the old guy?!

Other changes include another reworking of the controversial Han vs. Greedo scene from the Episode IV. Now they shoot at the same time!

The Digital Bits does a side-by-side comparison of the changes between the 1997 Special Editions and the 2004 DVD release.

USA Today also published two articles: one on the changes to the movies and another on the bonus materials.


Stan Lee and Hugh Hefner are teaming up to create "Hef's Superbunnies," a cartoon pilot for MTV described as "A silk pajama-clad superhero fights crime with the aid of a superbuxom team of specially trained Playboy bunnies."

Lee is the co-creator of most of Marvel Comics's Silver Age-debuting superheroes including Spider-Man, the Hulk, Daredevil, X-Men, Fantastic Four and more. Hefner is the founder and living embodimenet of Playboy magazine. Lee apparently saw more to Hef than that though...
"Stan and I go back a long ways, and he simply felt it was time for me to reveal my secret identity," Hefner said. "You all know me as the editor in chief and publisher of Playboy. But late at night when everyone assumes I'm in the grotto living the good life, I'm out there with the Superbunnies fighting evildoers."

Read all about it here.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Bobby Darin

On Saturday night, PBS-NJ (Ch. 23) showed Bobby Darin's last TV special, first shown in 1973, his last televised appearance before his death. I have heard a recording of one his live performances from this era, so I was not surprised to see that he combined music from several genres and stand-up comedy filled with impression of the celebrities.

What was surprising was the way the man could MOVE. Considering that he was to die so soon from heart failure, it was especially impressive to see him be-boppin', slipping' and slidin' across the floor.

Of course, the special closed with an incredible "Mack the Knife." Keep an eye out for it again on PBS. Great stuff.

In case you didn't know, Kevin Spacey is directing and starring a in a Bobby Darin bio-pic, called "Beyond the Sea" due out around Thanksgiving. See the trailer here.