Starring Clive Owen and Paul Giamatti, this 2007 movie has no aspirations except to entertain action fans for under 90 minutes. Full of mindless sex and violence (and in one incredible scene, both at the same time), not to mention Bugs Bunny references, this movie is funny, violent and completely nonsensical – in the best way possible.
It’s like Clive Owen decided he had a great time doing Sin City and wanted to do something similar without so much green screen, and Paul Giamatti figured it was time he played an over-the-top bad guy after being an indie darling for the past few years.
Just as you think it’s winding down as it pays obligatory attention to the "plot," another scene that is so outrageous – to an hard rock soundtrack, of course – explodes that you can’t help laughing at. And then more after that. Until the very end. Did I mention it’s under 90 minutes?
It’s bloody, and it’s ridiculous and you’ll never look at carrots the same way after you watch this, but you’ll laugh your ass off at the sheer audacity of this great silliness. Trust me, watch this one.