Meanwhile, with the writers’ strike still ongoing, it won’t be too much longer before there’s no new scripted (that is, not reality or game show) programming on the air at all. But just how much is left? Tv Guide has compiled a chart, updated as of January 30, that tells us how many new episodes of most TV are left to air.
You can find the whole rundown here, but here are a few relevant ones for me and the few readers of this blog.
Shows that have no remaining episodes produced for this season
- 30 Rock
- Bionic Woman
- Chuck
- Heroes
- My Name is Earl
- The Office
- The Unit
Depressing, isn’t it? But don’t worry. There are still some non-reality shows left:
- Lost: 8 episodes left -- starting tomorrow
- Smallville: 6 left -- starting tomorrow
- Scrubs: 5 left
- Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles: 6 left
- Reaper: 3 left
Particularly bummed about The Shield delay, but oh, well, guess i'll read a book or something.