Monday, September 03, 2007

Wall-crawling just like Spidey!

Scientists have a deveoped a suit the can help humans make like Peter parker and stick to walls.

One scientist, quoted in Science Daily notes:

With the idea for the adhesion now in place, there are a number of other mechanics that need addressing before the Spiderman suit can become a reality. Size-effects on the adhesion strength require further research. Moreover, man's muscles, for example, are different to those of a gecko. We would suffer great muscle fatigue if we tried to stick to a wall for many hours. However now that we are this step closer, it may not be long before we are seeing people climbing up the Empire State Building with nothing but sticky shoes and gloves to support them."

Isn't science wonderful?

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Trailer for Stephen King's "The Mist"

From Frank Darabont, the writer and director of Stephen King's The Green Mile and The Shawshank Redemption, comes The Mist, based on King's story that originally appeared in the short story collection Skeleton Crew in 1985. Opening Novmeber 21, the horror movie stars Thomas (The Punisher) Jane.