Thursday, May 19, 2005

Star Wars Week Day 4: Comics!

Well, today is opening day of the last Star Wars movie. Going through withdrawal yet?

Dark Horse comics may be just what you're looking for. Check out their Star Wars site for all the stories they've published set before, during, after and instead of the movies.

Read about Dark Horse's future Star Wars plans here.

Da Vinci Code Teaser Trailer

It opens exactly one year from today, and it doesn't show a whole lot, but here's the teaser trailer for The DaVinci Code, starring Forrest Gump, Magneto and Doc Ock, and drected by Richie Cunnigham.

Fantastic New Trailer

The new Fantastic Four trailer that debuted last night in theatres along with Star Wars - Episode III: Revenge of the Sith is already online at Yahoo Movies. Enjoy.

Fantastic Four opens July 8 (despite what the pic above says).

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Star Wars Week: Day 3 - Spoiler Wars

You might have heard there's a new Star Wars movie opening this week. You may have also heard/read/seen just about every major plot point from the movie.

Books, comics, toys, video games, soundtracks and other related merchandise, which hit shelves over a month ago, reveal most of the storyline of the final chapter in the Star Wars saga. (I read the novelization a month ago!).

USA Today (which has a survey on the left-hand side of the page that could also be considered a spoiler!) covers the issue here.

No More Riddles: Frank Gorshin R.I.P.

On Tuesday, actor/impressionist Frank Gorshin passed away. He was 72. He was, of course, best known as "The Riddler" on the 1960s Batman series, playing the character with such glee that the character once again became popular in the comics.

His last TV appearance will be on Thursday's CSI season finale, playing hiimself, alongside Tony Curtis. He will be heard as the the voice of Prof. Hugo Strange in upcoming episodes of the Kids' WB/Cartoon Network's The Batman cartoon. He recently appeared in the TV movie Return to the Batcave, which was released this week on DVD.

He also recently expertly played George Burns in a one-man show, proving even in his later years he was much more than the Riddler.

Sneak Peek at Smallville's Batman preview

During tonight's 90-minute season finale of Smallville, there will be an 8-minute preview of Batman Begins. The official movie site has released a teaser of what's in store. Check it out here (see bottom of page)

FYI -- This week, the WB announced that Smallville will air Thursdays at 8 next season.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Star Wars Week: Day 2 - Behind the Breathing

As we prepare to witness the birth of Darth Vader this week, let's take a look at his inner-most thoughts. What goes on in the mind of a Dark Lord of the Sith?

Monday, May 16, 2005

Star Wars Week: Day 1 -- Lego Wars

Only 4 more days until Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Until then take a look at the Lego version: Star Wars: Revenge of the Brick, a not-so-serious take on the saga -- all in Lego, of course, with a great gag at the end.
