Friday, November 10, 2006

New Spider-Man 3 trailer

Some pretty cool stuff here, with a new Spider-Man 3 trailer that provides new info on Spidey's origin and focuses on the the theme of revenge. There are lots of great Sandman scenes that look like they come directly from the Lee/Ditko comics. We see a little bit of Harry doing Goblin-like stuff and a couple of quick moments of Eddie Brock, but no Venom, no Gwen Stacy and nothing concrete about Harry as a new Goblin. However, look for a lot of black costume. Very cool

The trailer can be seen in theatres next weekwih new Bond movie, Casino Royale.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

New U2/Green Day video

U2 and Green Day have teamed up on song about New orkeleans and hurricane Katrina. check out the video on YouTube.

Wesley Crusher write about his time on the enterprise

Actor Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation) has a blog where we writes irreverently about episodes of ST:TNG. Here;s a sample from his write-up of the 1987 episode, "The Naked Now":

Geordi, Tasha, Riker and Data make a quick trip to the Tsiolkovsky, where they confirm that the crew had a sexy party which ended with all of them in various stages of undress and death. Geordi examines a sonic shower, and a frozen woman falls into his arms. Geordi doesn't know it, but he's just been infected with the Tsiolokovsky disease. He also doesn't know it, but this is the closest he'll get to holding a woman until season three. Unfortunately, when he finally does, she'll be just as frigid.

Pretty neat stuff. Check it out.

"Evan Almighty' trailer

Here's a trailer for Evan Almighty, the sequel to Jim Carrey's Bruce Almighty, this time starring Steve Carrell, who's become much bigger since his supporting role in the original film. In this one, God (still Morgan Freeman) tells Evan to build an ark.

The movie opens next summer and looks pretty funny.

Review of "Superman II: The Donner Cut"

Superman II: The Donner Cut is being officially released for the first time later this month. Earlier this week it debuted at a theater in LA. A brief overview of the history of this controversial version, as well as a review of the new version, fosuing on the new scenes can be found at this link. Here's a highlight:
We are treated to many new sequences throughout the entire film and all are a rare treat. I would suggest you watch the Richard Lester version first to really get the full effect of the Donner cut. The most notable additions to this cut are the 15 minutes of never before seen footage of Marlon Brando as Jor-El. Now restored, these scenes in the Fortress of Solitude amplify and deepen the bond between father and son. In the Lester version, actress Susannah York as Kal-El's mother Lara took the place of Brando ... Thankfully this time out, the Phantom Zone criminals are treated with a bit more menace than that of the menacing buffoons they were turned into in the Lester version.

I can't wait for this.

You can learn even more about this new version at this Wikipedia link.

Pardon the interruption

Due to personal circumstances, blogging has been even lighter than usual, but will return with a vengeance by the end of the month.