Sunday, November 05, 2006

Wesley Crusher write about his time on the enterprise

Actor Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation) has a blog where we writes irreverently about episodes of ST:TNG. Here;s a sample from his write-up of the 1987 episode, "The Naked Now":

Geordi, Tasha, Riker and Data make a quick trip to the Tsiolkovsky, where they confirm that the crew had a sexy party which ended with all of them in various stages of undress and death. Geordi examines a sonic shower, and a frozen woman falls into his arms. Geordi doesn't know it, but he's just been infected with the Tsiolokovsky disease. He also doesn't know it, but this is the closest he'll get to holding a woman until season three. Unfortunately, when he finally does, she'll be just as frigid.

Pretty neat stuff. Check it out.

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