Monday, June 30, 2008

New Hellboy II promos include animated Mignola preview

From comes all kinds of new promotional videos for Hellboy II: The Golden Army, opening July 11, the coolest of which is an animated prolgue by comics writer/artist and Hellboy creator, Mike Mignola.

If nothing else, the movie looks pretty cool. The first one was a lot of fun, and there's no reason to expect this one won't be too, though it will be quickly be overshadowwed by Dark Knight, opening only a week later, which you may have seen mentioned a time or two on this site.

New Bond trailer

Check out to catch the trailer for the new James Bond film, Quantum of Solace, starring Daniel Craig, opening November 7th.

Shedding light on the Dark Knight

The Dark Knight opens in less than three weeks, and the full-court marketing press is on. Among the coolest promotions is from Comcast. For those with Comcast's digital cable, you can see trailers, mini documentaries, special "newscasts" and even one of the six animated segments from Batman: Gotham Knight, the animated DVD feature due out July 8, through On Demand (check "Movies & Special Events').

But even if you don't have digital cable, you can still see some of the Comcast goodies. Just go to the dedicated mini-site for some of the same documentaries and trailers.

Elsewhere are actor, writer and director interviews that help set the stage for the sequel. Most notably, you can read these interviews with star Christian Bale, co-star Aaron Eckhart, director Christoher Nolan and writers, David Goyer and Jonathan Nolan.

You can see five minutes from another segment of Batman: Gotham Knights here.

Finally, here's an early mainstream review (from Rolling Stone) that will make you just want July 18 to get here quicker!