Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Awww, it's Little Batman!

Here's a link to a 3-part video on youtube that recasts the 60s Batman TV show with kids. It's very cute (once you get past a 2+ minute opening credits sequence, set to one of the greatest Batman collections you'll ever see).

Definitely worth taking a look.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Iron Man Super Bowl spot

"Wanted" Super Bowl Spot

Wanted, the movie based on the Mark Millar/J.G. Jones comic mini-series, open on June 27. The moive is spotlighted in a Super Bowl ad you can see here.

New Captain America interviewed on "Good Morning America"

In Marvel Comics last week, a new gun-toting Captain America replaced the slain Steve Rogers, his former sidekick, and once-thought-dead Bucky Barnes. He answered a few questions for Good Morning America. See the interview here.

Ealier last week, Marvel Comics editor-in-chief Joe Quesada also promoted the new Cap on The Colbert Report.