Monday, December 31, 2007

Scorcese to direct Rolling Stones documentary

Here's a trailer to Shine a Light, a documentary about the Rolling Stones, directed by Martin Scorcese, due in theatres on April 4, 2008

Jack White as Elvis in "Walk Hard"

You wouldn't Like Him when He's Angry

If there was any doubt that the new Incredible Hulk movie, due June 13 and starring Edward Norton, Liv Tyler, Tim Roth and William Hurt, was goingto be taking more cures from the 70s TV show than the 2003 movie, look no further than this photo of norton as Bruce Banner in a remarkkably familiar looking machine. here's how Universal describes the non-sequel The Incredible Hulk:

"The Incredible Hulk" kicks off an all-new, explosive and action-packed epic of one of the most popular superheroes of all time. In this new beginning, scientist Bruce Banner (Edward Norton) desperately hunts for a cure to the gamma radiation that poisoned his cells and unleashes the unbridled force of rage within him: The Hulk. Living in the shadows--cut off from a life he knew and the woman he loves, Betty Ross (Liv Tyler)--Banner struggles to avoid the obsessive pursuit of his nemesis, General Thunderbolt Ross (William Hurt), and the military machinery that seeks to capture him and brutally exploit his power. As all three grapple with the secrets that led to The Hulk's creation, they are confronted with a monstrous new adversary known as The Abomination (Tim Roth), whose destructive strength exceeds even The Hulk's own. And on June 13, 2008, one scientist must make an agonizing final choice: accept a peaceful life as Bruce Banner or find heroism in the creature he holds inside--"The Incredible Hulk."

Here's hoping it's better than the Ang Lee-directed travesty.

Spider-Marriage No More

I haven't been reading mainstream Spidey comics for awhile now. In fact, I stopped reading right around the time writer J. Michael Straczynski (JMS) started taking the book too far into the supernatural (Dr. Strange should not be a regular in a Spidey book). After several years of revitializing the title, JMS this week wrapped up his 6+ year run on Amazing Spider-Man with an editorially driven story called "One More Day" that ended with a twist that fans knew was coming, but were outraged nonetheless -- in a deal wth the Marvel version of the devil, Mephisto, Peter and his wife of 20 years (real time -in the 1987 Spidey annual on the left) erased their marriage in order to save the life of old, dying Aunt May. And apparently that's exactly what happened -- some yet-to-be pinpointed moment in the past was changed so that Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson never got married. It apparently has also undone the recent public unmasking of Spider-Man from the recently completed Civil War storyline and took awy the organic web-shooters he had recntly developed to keep him more in line with his movie counterpart. Not to mention probably every other Spidey story JMS wrote. And Civil War, and tons of other stories from the last 20 years, including some non-Spidey title ones.

Why? Marvel Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada (who also drew the 4-part storyline) has been complaining for a long time now how bad an idea the marriage was -- that the appeal of Spidey as a character was in his being single and struggling in his personal life, not married to a former super-model/actress. So he got his wish, and while there are many who may agree that the marriage was not a good idea, virtually nobody is happy with the way Marvel chose to end it, including apparently JMS himself, who wanted to have his name removed from the last two parts of the story.

With the conclusion of this story. Marvel will be launching "Brand New Day" in the three-times-a-month Amazing Spider-Man, now the only mainstream Spidey title (as opposed to the Ultimate and Marvel Adventures versions, where it should be noted, he has never been married), which will explore the new status quo with new crators who promise to bring a sense of old school fun back to Spider-Man. How successful this "reboot" turns out to be is still to be determined, but regardless of this new status quo, how they got there is what has fans up in arms -- Spidey made a deal with the devil?! Save his old, decrepit aunt who already said she was ready to die by undoing his marriage?! This is an incredibly stupid idea that puts DC's continuinty-punch (don't ask) storytelling to shame.

Does that mean I'll never buy a Spider-Man or Marvel comic again? Of course not. I'm just joining the throngs of angry readers who recognize that this was a bad story idea that betrays the core concept of the character as a quick easy, deus ex machina fix to restore that core concept of the character.

Lazy storytelling, and another justification for my not buying monthly (or weekly, or thrice-monthly) comics anymore. Boo Marvel! Boo Quesada!