In an episode, currently titled "Aqua" and due to air in October, Lex hires a swim coach, a 19-year-old named A.C. (as in Arthur Curry). Sound familiar? It should -- he's Aquaman!
The same episode introduces a new recurring character, Prof. Milton Fine, to be played by Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel cast member James "Spike" Marsters. Milton Fine is the name of the character who evolved into Brainiac in the Byrne-revamp of Superman.
Here's how The WB describes the character:
"Possessed of a vast, superior knowledge limited only by his hubris and emotions, Brainiac comes to earth armed with a secret about Clark's biological family and the truth about Krypton's demise. Brainiac's presence in Smallville will have a devastating effect on Clark and Lex's already deteriorating friendship."
Another cool guest shot this season, John (Jonathan Kent) Schneider's former Dukes of Hazzard co-star, Tom Wopat, will pop by as a childhood friend of Jonathan's who is now a senator.
Additional information on Season 5 can be found here.
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