Monday, September 26, 2005

DC's Dark Days over soon?

DC-exclusive writer Mark Waid recently talked to the website, Monitor Duty about his comics writing experience. It's a great interview (mostly focused on Superman: Birthright, the "new" Superman origin, out this week in trade paperback) , but the most interesting comment he made was regarding the DCU after Infinite Crisis, which debuts in October, when asked about the increased "darkening" of the DC universe:
When we’re on the other side of the CRISIS, those days are GONE. Just gone. We’re sick to death of heroes who are not heroes, we’re sick to death of darkness. Not that there’s no room, not that Batman should act like Adam West, but that won’t be the overall feeling. After all this stuff, after everything shakes down, we’re done with heroes being dicks. No more we screwed each other and now we must pay the consequences. No, we’re super-heroes and that’s what we do. Batman’s broken. Through no ONE person’s fault, but he’s a dick now. And we’ve been told we can fix that.

He also talks about the popularity of comic-book movies, his favorite comic-book movie, the upcoming Superman Returns, writing the Legion and continuity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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