Sunday, January 29, 2006

More Info about DC's weekly "52 " Series Revealed

Starting on May 10, following the conclusion of Infinite Crisis, and filling in the gap between the Crisis and the "One Year Later" stories that follow, is "52", a weekly series that follows several characters , written by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka and Mark Waid with layouts by Keith Giffen and covers by J.G. Jones. Here's what appears to be the cover to the first issue:

This week it was announced that each issue will be $2.50 and that there will be no trade collections of the series until after is conclusion next year. Also from the press release:

The first four issues will feature art by Joe Bennett & Ruy Jose. In addition, beginning with WEEK 2, the series will include the 10-part back-up feature "The History of the DC Universe," written and pencilled by Dan Jurgens with inks by Art Thibert.

DC's Dan DiDio had previously revealed the following information about the series:

52 will start one week after the end of Infinite Crisis and the story will run in real time over the next 52 weeks. There will be six (possibly more) independent stories (that will occasionally crossover) that will touch upon nearly every aspect of the new DCU following Crisis. Every character from every series will be seen during the course of the story. As an added bonus nearly every issue will feature a back up story starting with the 10 part serialized “History Of The DC Universe”. Probably most important, every step is being taken to insure that every issue ships on time to keep the weekly schedule.

And DiDio teases the series some more here.

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