Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Pa Kent speaks

What did John Schneider think when he heard about Jonathan Kent's fate on Smallville? TV Guide asked him:
I was given the news during this season's ninth episode ["Lexmas"], and ["Reckoning"] was our 12th. I have an office at Warner Bros., with a development deal and a company there and all that sort of stuff, so I was given the news a bit early so that I could shovel myself into some of the things that we've been developing over the last two years. I thought it was very kind that they gave me that sort of notice so I could get my ducks in a row. The awkward part about all that is that I was told "Nobody knows this but you and us, so don't tell anybody," so I had two-and-a-half episodes in "Smallvilleland" to keep this secret. I kept looking around at people, wondering if anybody knew. [Laughs] I think we've all been assumed dead at [various points]. Certainly when meteors are coming into your living room, you have to assume somebody's not going to make it.

He saw the first Superman movie. He knew it was coming. He just didn't know when.

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