Just back from my hols and had some mad notions. I woke up two nights ago and thought of something as big and as simple as Civil War for the DCU and spent two hours during the night writing it all down. I'm obviously not going into details, but this is so bloody simple, screws with nobody, could be explained to a 4 year old and would ramp up DC's sales as much my little Civil War book is working for Marvel. It would spin off into me doing Superman with Hitchy and JLA with McNiven and I worked out a cracking line-up of creator pals for all the other books this would influence. I said I was only doing a Marvel crossover if they let me rethink the whole MU and rejig a lot of books that needed a face-lift (some huge characters selling nothing for 5 years now). Similarly, I'd only do this if DC let me go the whole hog and, although I have a very good relationship with DC again, I'm under exclusive for almost 2 more years. But these notes have been filed and this thing, if anything, will work BETTER a couple of years down the line. It's incredibly exciting. I already had about 70 issues of Superman loosely worked out and a first eighteen months on JLA, but it all came together perfectly for me over the holidays. The end of the decade just got very exciting.
Let's hope he gets his chance. His few forays into the DCU -- JLA, Superman Adventures and the Superman Eleworlds' Red Son -- have been fantastic, and definitely show a love of the characters.
1 comment:
Didn't Millar get his DC start, lo these many years ago, on "Swamp Thing" after Moore left? Man, if I'm right, then I'm getting too old...
...but I'd REALLY like to see him do a Grant Morrison and totally revamp some obscure characters a la "Seven Soliders," and Swampy would be a good fit. Forget about Superman; what third-tier characters could be remade ultra-cool under Millar?
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