Sunday, September 03, 2006

"Fantastic Four" toon debuted on Cartoon Network...

And it stunk!

But if you want to know more about the show, click here. The first episode will show again next Saturday at 11 am. It's regular time slot is Saturday at 8 pm. They changed their plans for the first episode, whch was supposed to feature Dr. Doom, so I still want to see that. And apparently later this month, we'll see the Thing fight the Hulk, which I want to see.

But I don't hold out much hope for this show. I don't like the tone (comedy over action) or animation style (a new anime thing), but hey, if the kids like it, it's still better than something like Bo-bo-bo-bo-bo, whatever the heck that is.

Here's the Fantastic Four schedule for September released by Cartoon Network, though it has already changed. They swapped the first two epsidoes, and the Hulk episode has been stated to also air in September, though its not listed here.

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