Saturday, October 07, 2006

Action Comics: The Donner Cut

Richard Donner, director of Superman and Superman II among many other films, will be co-writing Action Comics starring Superman later this month with his former production assistant turned comics superstar, Geoff Johns. In another nice bit of Warner Bros. corporate synergy, Entertainment Weekly has posted 7 pages from the first issue on its website.

Of course, in November, Warner Bros video will release Superman II: The Donner Cut, as part of its Superman DVD blitz which restores the super-sequel to the vision of the movie that the director had before the studio took the film from him and gave it to Richard Lester. This new edition contains never-before seen footage, incuding a whole new opening sequence and more Marlon Brando as Jor-El. You can see one of the new scenes, where Lois first begins to suspect Clark is Superman, here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap!

What a great scene!

How could they cut that?!?! That was so much better than the scene at Niagra Falls!

Margot Kidder is actually really good in that. Very Lois.

- Skip