Sunday, August 19, 2007

Thought Balloons of an Aging Fanboy

Whew, has it really been 6 months since I last posted? Well, a lot's happened since February (and even more during the 3 months before that), but I'm going to give this another shot, and thought this was a good time to come back to it.

I've backed off on comics a bit, and am no longer buying monthly (or weekly) issues, deciding instead to wait for key trade paperbacks, without worrying about the ongoing continuity of the DC Universe. I've been disillusioned by the current direction, and its pointless to complain and not do anything about it, so now I'm saving a little bit of money, and hopefully putting some of that time back into regular reading.

That said, the summer comics convention season just ended and there's a lot to link to, though surprisingly little of it had to do with comics. So, I'll try to get the best of that stuff up in the next few days.

Also, the new TV season is starting up soon, with a lot to comment on this fall, both new and returning shows. This summer, there's a been a lot of great new shows on basic cable, and I've been checking them out to. I should comment on them as well.

Thanks to my DVR, I've been catching a lot of great movies and documentaries, new and old, and of course you'll want to hear what I think about them.

The animation DVDs never stop -- I've bought a few over the past 6 months, with a few more on the way.

I can't believe how little reading I do these days -- no thanks to the iPod and DVR, but I'd like to pick that up again, and share some thoughts there as well.

Speaking of the iPod, I've been listening to all kinds of great music, new and old, blues, rock, jazz, and a little bit of everything else. Music criticism is not a strong point of mine, but I'll try to get better with the music appreciation at least.

Wow, that's quite a To Do list, or maybe its a mission statement, but either way, there;s no shortage of topics, now that I've re-connected to the blog and even took advantage of some of the new features that have been added, and will keep doing so.

So, hopefully, there will be a reason to check this out again, for like the three of you that were -- and maybe a few more can join this time.

Check back soon -- and comment often.

1 comment:

lucko said...


Welcome back!