Sunday, March 06, 2005

Mark Your Calendars!

There's a lot of important stuff coming up in my little world, and it's my duty to make sure you have all the dates and links you need. So, mark your calendars:

March 15: The Incredibles arrives on DVD
March 15: The Shield 4th season begins
March 30: DC Countdown, follow-up to Identity Crisis hits comic stores
April 1: Sin City opens
April 26: Blade: Trinity hits DVD
April 28: Crisis on Infinite Earths novelization hits bookstores
May 7: Free Comic Book Day!
May 19: Star Wars - Episode III: Revenge of the Sith opens
May 25: Batman: The Animated Series Vol. 3 arrives on DVD
June 3-5: Wizard World Philadelphia comic convention
June 17: Batman Begins opens
July 8: Fantasic Four opens

Got all that? Good.


Anonymous said...

Never been to WW Philly, and I'm a Philly person. Anyone have any feedback on the event to offer? What's good, what's not, and how to handle the crowds?

mrMGU said...

It's a geat time with lots of stuff going on. If you're looking to meet creators, come on Saturday. If you're looking for less crowds and a chance to get comics cheap, then your best bet is Sunday. Me? I go all 3 days. If you're a comic fan, you need to go at least once. It's in between the Star Wars and Batman movies, so excitement will be at an all-time high. Enjoy!