Tuesday, January 24, 2006

DC's plan for Flash post-Infinite Crisis -UPDATED

In the wake of Infinite Crisis #4, DC's Dan DiDio, who has been saying that Crisies have tradtionally been bad news for Flashes, sheds a little light on what he means in a new interview with Newsarama.

He notes the the important role the Flash plays in comics history:
“I’ve always felt that the Flash have marked significant turns and changes in DCU history – the start of the Silver Age is marked by Barry Allen’s first appearance,” DiDio said. “It was the Flashes who brought out the whole Earth-1/Earth-2 concepts for DC. Wally West’s assumption of the mantle as the Flash kicked off the DCU after the original Crisis, with a new approach was taken with the character that was new and fresh. In looking at the magnitude and scope of what we were doing here, I felt that it was important to identify that this was an important turn in DC’s history as well. I look at the changes in Flashes as something that signifies that."

New writers Danny Bilson and Paul De Meo were both writers/producers on the 1990s Flash TV series (featuring Barry Allen), which was recently released on DVD.

UPDATED with an interview with the new writers.

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