Saturday, January 28, 2006

Justice League Unlimited Returns to Cartoon Network

On Saturday, Feb. 11 (two weeks!), “Flash and Substance” the first of nine new episodes of Justice League Unlimited will air at 8:30 pm. This episode spotlights the Flash and his Rogues Gallery. Also featured are Batman and Orion.

This and several other episodes have already aired in the UK and can be found online for those interested. You can read reviews of these episodes here.

Yesterday, descriptions of the rest of the season were released, including one for the two-part finale: “In a knock-down drag out battle on Earth and in space, the power moving behind the scenes of the villains is revealed leading to the most unexpected team-up in Justice League history.”

Check out a recent interview with two of th show's producers, Bruce Timm and James Tucker, who talk about how the series has progressed, and gush about what’s coming up.

This article ends with some guessing by the author about what’s next for the animated DC universe, including speculation about a Supergirl and the Legion of Superheroes (also featured in one of the nine upcoming episodes)series, a new Superman series (similar to The Batman, and coming in wake of the new movie), a, a Doom Patrol (featured this season on Teen Titans) series and a JLU team-up spin-off, something along the lines of the comics World’s Finest or the Brave and the Bold.

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