Sunday, February 12, 2006

Announcement: Grant Morrison to write "Batman"

At DC's "The Best is Yet to Come" panel at this weekend's WonderCon in San Francisco, DC announced that Grant Morrison will be writing Batman following the conclusion of James Robinson's 8-part arc running through Batman and Detective. Animated Batman writer/producer Paul Dini was previously announced as the new writer on Detective. Identity Crisis's Rags Morales will be the penciller for Dini's Detective:

Morrison said that he’s already plotted 15 issues, and in his first issue alone, he has 15 ninja man-bats as well as Talia, and the story is called “Batman & Son”. Morrison said Batman coming out of 52 OYL will be a more of a “fun guy, more healthy”, more like the “Neal Adams, hairy-chested, love-god” version of Batman.
The artist joining Morrison hasn't been announced yet, though it's expected to be either Andy or Adam Kubert, who announced they were exclusive with DC at WizardWorld Philadelphia last May, but haven't been attached to any projects yet.

A Grant Morrison spotlight panel was held at the convention. You can read about that here.

Dini writing one-issue mysteries in Detective with art by Morales, and Morrison writing a healthy, sane Batman (not to mention the 8-part Robinson story)? Waiting for the trades is going to be tough!

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